
What’s new in KLANG:app and KOS 5.3

This is not the latest version.

With KOS 5.3 several new feature updates are provided to all existing KLANG processors, :kontrollers and :apps. Learn more on how to edit show files from home with the new offline editor or how to remote manage :apps and :kontrollers and grant them access to certain features.


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App 5.3.11 Mac App 5.3.11 Win App 5.3.11 (32-bit Legacy) KOS 5.3.14 | 2nd Gen. KOS 5.3.14 | 1st Gen.

Showfile Prep

The Offline Editor

Remote Management

Manage User Access & Remote Control :apps

The remote managements of KLANG:app is automatically activated if the KLANG processor runs KOS 5.3 or higher. Once :apps connect they will inherit this setting and appear on the network for remote control.

All KLANG:apps will be listed in CONFIG > CONNECT. Once users have connected their :app to a KLANG processor, their :apps will be listed in the Connected Devices dropdown along with :kontrollers for the mix they are connected to.

KOS Login Password

It is possible to protect Show / Admin mode access to a processor with a password. Users need to know this password to connect to the processor in Show or Admin mode. Connection in musician / personal mode does not require a password.

If they do not have proper access, their apps will be limited to musician and personal mode.

CONFIG > CONNECT allows to remotely configure KLANG:apps

CONFIG > INFO > SET > Set Show/Admin Password
  • Disable Password: delete the stored password in KLANG:app and disable password protection on the KLANG processor
  • SAVE :app Password: Store the entered password in this :app. (Nothing will be changed on the KLANG processor)
  • SAVE :app + KOS: Store the entered password in this :app and activate password protection on the connected KLANG processor with this password.

App Remote Config

Select whether the users should be able to change mixes on their own or (Allow Mix Change) not (Mix Lock).

CONFIG > INFO > SET > Disable Musician Mix Lock

KLANG:apps in Admin mode can now assign a mix in the same way as for :kontrollers

Additionally, the :apps can be remotely assigned to a certain user mode.

Hide (Unused) Mixes

The processing power and the number of mixes of the 2nd generation KLANG processors is great and offers freedom of choice. But sometimes you want to clean up the fast user switch bar, e.g. because a mix is not required for a show but will be required soon again.

Go to CONFIG > CONNECT, select a mix and click on HIDE MIX.

This mix is still shown in CONFIG > CONNECT in Admin mode, so you can always revert this settings. It will be hidden in the top fast user switch bar. And it be hidden in Musician and Personal mode and on :kontroller entirely.

This is a great way to clean up the list of available mixes if they are unused.

Hide / Protect Channels

Imagine you have channels, e.g. a talkback that should be audible in the musicians mix, but the musicians should not be able to tweak it, or you simply want to clean up the fader list for them.

Go to CONFIG > CHANNELS > Click on a channel to open the Channel Details view. Click on the EYE to make the channel PROTECTED.

In the normal channel view, the icon will be replaced by a red eye, making it obvious that this channel is hidden/protected:

In FADERS view in Admin and Show mode it will still appear but also with a red eye icon:

But it will be hidden in Musician and Personal mode in KLANG:app and of course it will also be hidden in :kontroller.

This makes it easy to strip down the fader list for :konductor, DMI-KLANG and also :fabrik mixes with more than 24 mono/stereo faders to 24 faders to be easily accessible for :kontroller users.

Search & Sort Devices

Especially when several KLANG processors, :apps and :kontrollers are found on the network, it is essential to quickly find the device that you want to connect to.

Go to CONFIG > CONNECT and type in a keyword right next to the loupe icon. All devices that contain this keyword in any of the accouncements (type, name, IP, KOS version, etc) will be shown.

Click on the Drop Down menu to choose from any of the following sorting priorities

  • Name
  • IP
  • Type
  • Serial
  • Version

Collect Logs

Where it used to be two different processes to gather log files and presets from KLANG hardware via USB export and email logs , K:a now collects all logs automatically. This includes all internal settings and presets of all KLANG hardware devices on the network and even all logs of other KLANG:apps on the network, go get a detailed overview of the system with one push of a button.

This requires KOS / KLANG:app 5.3 installed on all devices.

Go to CONFIG > INFO > Collect All Logs

While KLANG:app collects the logs, you have time to specify more information on your setup. Once ready, the button turns green. Click on Save Logs as ZIP and choose a file location.

Send this ZIP archive to the KLANG support team.

More Presets on kontroller

Quick Access & 64 Presets on :kontroller

Go to the AMB/AUX menu on :kontroller. On the right side it now offers the following Preset controllers:

  • Quick Save: Provides access to directly SAVE to Preset slots 1–8
  • Quick Load: Provides access to directly LOAD to Preset slots 1–8
  • SAVE: Use the rotary to SAVE to SLOT 1–64
  • LOAD: Use the rotary to LOAD an existing preset from SLOT 1–64

The date of the existing presets (last file modification date) will be shown for each preset.

Presets can also still be found in the CONFIG menu, with full access to all 64 preset slots and it is now possible to also delete presets.

Furthermore, ambience mic and aux input levels are now stored and recalled with kontroller personal presets.

Other features

Analog Outputs on :konductor with DMI-DAC

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With KOS 5.3 :konductor officially support the DMI-DAC card that offers 16 analog line level outputs. Learn more on support DMI cards here.

Dante Follow

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Dante Follow can be monitored and enabled in CONFIG > CONNECT directly when connected to a :kontroller. This is now right next to the Assign mix drop down.

Go to CONFIG > CONNECT and quickly see if any KLANG device on your network needs your attention. This is highlighted with a red triangle, e.g. when there is an audio clock issue.

Cascading of DMI-KLANG

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Cascading of all KLANG processors is now officially supported including DMI-KLANG. There are restrictions regarding the Engineer Cue as described here for DMI-KLANG:

Go to CONFIG > CONNECT and quickly see if any KLANG device on your network needs your attention. This is highlighted with a red triangle, e.g. when there is an audio clock issue.

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