:app menu – CONFIG > SYSTEM
Clock Speed Mode
Three different settings are available.
- Single for 44.1 or 48kHz
- Single with EQs for 44.1 or 48kHz with EQ feature activated
- Double for 88.2 or 96kHz
This setting has an impact on the IO channel count (See below: Number of Outputs).
Number of Outputs | for :fabrik ONLY
You can change the Number of Outputs i.e. number of mixes or users on your :fabrik processor, according to your needs. Once the number of users is adjusted, click and hold RESTART for 3 seconds, otherwise the settings will not be transmitted! Your :fabrik will then proceed a short soft restart with the adapted number of mixes. You can still load your presets. If you load a preset for more users and less channels than your current setting, new channel information will be added at the end of the channel list. The same holds for users. Hence, new users with empty channel information will be added at the end of the user list.
The input channel count depends on the number of mixes, the sample rate and the EQ setting as follows:

Example: You are using 1 x KLANG:fabrik in the configuration of 8 mixes of 24 inputs (48kHz, without EQs). When you need 48 inputs, you can chance the IO configuration of KLANG:fabrik to 4 mixes of 48 inputs (48kHz, without EQs). With a second KLANG:fabrik you can get 4 additional mixes of 48 input channels with the same IO configuration. So indirectly the number of input channels was increased by cascading two units, but through changing the IO configuration in the first place.
MADI port 2 for :fabrik
The second MADI BNC port is by default set as an output. It can be switched to a second input port by software. Depending on this setting the routing screen will show two input ports or an input and and output MADI port.
Even if the restart button is not shown, it is there an can be used to restart the unit. Make sure to click and hold the button for 3 seconds. The unit will perform a soft restart that usually takes less than 10 seconds.
Preview Mix on :kontroller
KLANG:app also offers a simulation of the :kontroller interface. Go to CONFIG > SYSTEM and click on this button:
Once started the interface offers mainly all control functionality as the hardware :kontroller, except for the local mix in the amb/aux menu.
In order to close the :kontroller simulator simply use the escape key or click on any of the menu buttons on the left STAGE, FADERS, CONFIG.