
KOS 5.6 | OUT NOW!

While KOS 5.6 is mainly all about vokal+, it adds EQs to the DMI-KLANG card and many smaller workflow improvements for the console remote as well as some setup wizards. Check out the screenshots, videos and description below and Download KLANG:app and KOS 5.6 now.

KOS 5.6

Latest KOS 2nd Gen. Latest KOS 1st Gen.

KLANG:app 5.6

5.6.14 App APK 5.6.14 App Mac 5.6.14 App Win 5.6.14 App Win32
The KOS 5.6 update and KLANG:app 5.6 are for free. However, the optional :vokal+ channel boost upgrade for KLANG:vokal can be bought via the KLANG shop.
We suggest to first install KLANG:app 5.6. Then, connect to your 2nd generation KLANG processor. Then, drag and drop the on KLANG:app and it will automatically install the new KOS.


64 Input Channel Boost Upgrade | 12 Mixes

KLANG:vokal offers up to 24 mono or stereo channels for each of the 12 mixes by default. We have optimized resources on :vokal, it is now possible to unleash the full 64 input channels for mixing with the paid :vokal+ Channel Boost Upgrade.

How to Buy the Boost Upgrade

Follow this link to quickly learn how to buy KLANG:vokal+

You need to own a KLANG:vokal in order to purchase the :vokal+ boost upgrade.


With KOS 5.6 DMI-KLANG offers root-intensity EQs on all 64 input channels and for all 16 mix outputs.

Login to your DMI-KLANG. Make sure KOS 5.6 is installed. Go to CONFIG > SYSTEM and switch EQ MODE > on.

Group Spill

With the increased channel count, :kontroller needs to offer a simple to use interface to control all available channels of a mix. This is why we introduced Group Spill. Go to the GROUPS bank and click on CONFIG. Now click on any group to spill all its channels to the Channel banks. Return to GROUPS to spill another group or exit the group spill with a press on CONFIG again.

On KLANG:app group spill is available as well. Go to the group view by clicking twice on FADERS.

Click on the group icon to spill the group member channels:


New to KLANG:app ?

When opening KLANG:app for the first time, users will be welcomed and guided to select the best app user mode. With a simple click on the Online Help button they will learn about the user modes and are directly at the right spot on our website to learn more about KLANG:app.

Release Notes of New Versions

Whenever a major new version of KLANG:app is started the latest release notes will be shown.

:vokal Routing and Clock Wizard

Go to CONFIG > ROUTING and click on the wizard wand icon.

Choose your audio input format for :vokal.

This will automatically apply linear input routing from MADI or Dante and route the mixes back to both Dante and MADI. Additionally, a warning will be show when MADI is selected, that Sync to External might need to be enabled in Dante Controller.

In CONFIG > SYSTEM an AUTO clock speed mode is introduced. This will automatically enabled by the :vokal audio wizard. This will work for Dante input and automatically adjust the clock speed to single or double depending on the sample rate setting in Dante Controller.

Device Discovery & Quick Start Wizard

KLANG hardware now sends out a broadcast “Here I am” message to KLANG:app receives this and tries to connect to the sender IP address directly. If this is not successful KLANG:app will show discovered devices in red with an “IP error” message. Learn more about the discovery process here…

In case no devices are found, a Quick Start Wizard is shown, which will help with troubleshooting and refer to the best online manual.

App Workflow Features

Save & Load a Mix in Admin mode

Accessible via keyboard shortcuts command + option + shift + O to Load a Mix from a Personal Preset file and command + option + shift + S to save the currently selected mix to a personal Preset File. Save Mix and Load Mix Buttons in CONFIG > PRESET are also available. The current mix name will be pre-filled as a file name suggestion.

Quicker Manual Channel Gain

By holding the alt/option key or by pressing the 2nd/alt button in KLANG:app, a click on the channel gain in FADERS let’s you enter manual channel gain values in dB.

With KLANG:app 5.6+ you can now press the 2nd/alt button, enter a value and instead of pressing ENTER, just press TAB to enter the value of the next fader.

Deactivate Mute & Solo on Musician / Personal / Show Mode

Via KLANG:app > CONFIG > INFO > Set Menu > Solo and Mute on musician, personal and show mode :apps can be deactivated. In case a channel or group is soloed or muted the buttons will temporarily appear so the musician can deactivate a mute or solo. Mute and Solo is always available in Admin Mode.

Deactivate Mono, Stereo, 3D Mode Selector

Via KLANG:app > CONFIG > INFO > Set Menu the Mono, Stereo, 3D Selector in Fader and Stage view can be deactivated. By pressing

New KOS Update Available

KLANG:app can now directly check if there is a newer KOS version available online (orange cloud icon) for your KLANG hardware in CONFIG > CONNECT.

Send a message to all :apps and :kontrollers

Via Keyboard Shortcut CMD + CTL + ALT + SHIFT + M in Show and Admin mode

All devices connected to the KLANG processor will receive a message. When connected to a :kontroller or :app directly the message will be sent to this device only.

Write Protect a Snapshot

Go to CONFIG > PRESETS, select the snapshot that should be write protected and click on RENAME. Place an exclamation mark as the first character of the snapshot name, in this example !FirstSong. (KKA-615)

Now the snapshot cannot be updated, but it can be recalled as usual.

In order to remove the write protection click on RENAME again and remove the exclamation mark.

Colored Snapshot Recall / Update Buttons

Customize Channel / Group Gain Steps

Via keyboard shortcut CMD + Option + control + SHIFT + G or KLANG:app > CONFIG > INFO > Set Menu >

Depending if you are currently connected to another :app or :kontroller or a processor the settings will be changed on the connected :app / :kontroller or your own THIS :app.

Relative Channel Gains in ALL Mixes

Click on 2nd/alt in FADERS view and the + and – buttons will change their color. Now, a push on + or – will trigger a relative level change in ALL mixes. A message on the button of KLANG:app will notify you about this.

For more specific relative changes, press the keyboard shortcut CMD + option (ctrl + alt on Windows) + G. Select the channel and enter the amount in dB that should be applied to this channel in ALL mixes:

:kontroller Features

More prominent Solo / Mute on :kontroller

Muted channels or groups will be shown in grey. (KKA-1127)

Once a channel or group is soloed, all inaudible channels or groups will be shown in grey.

When AmbMic or Aux In is soloed, all channels / groups will be shown in grey since they are not audible.

Fixed Dante IP Address for IPcore :kontroller

It is possible to set a fixed IP Address for IPcore :kontrollers via KLANG:app > CONFIG > INFO > Set Menu > Set Fixed/Static Dante IP. This works with and without a Control VLAN ID.

IPcore :kontroller can communicate with other KLANG devices in each IP subnet (Dante and Control IP Address, even if they are in different VLANs)
Fixed Dante IPs for IPcore :kontrollers cannot be set from Dante Controller.

Rename :kontroller in Connect Screen

KKA-611: With KLANG:app 5.6 is is now possible to also change :kontroller device names in CONFIG > CONNECT directly

Other Changes

Support for DMI-AVB

DMI-AVB is now supported in :konductor. Its sample rate and switch operation mode can be configured via CONFIG > INFO > Set Menu or by clicking on the DMI-AVB routing label in CONFIG > ROUTING. Furthermore, these settings of DMI-AVB can also be configured via DMI-KLANG when both cards are mounted in an Orange Box and the USB port of DMI-KLANG and Orange box are connected (Not the USB port of DMI-AVB!)

IP Address types

KLANG:app CONFIG > INFO will now indicate whether an IP address of a processor or kontroller is a fixed IP, DHCP client or zeroconf IP address.

Open Log Download Server

Live logging for advanced troubleshooting. Go to KLANG:app > CONFIG > INFO > Set Menu > Open Log Download Server (KKA-997)

This will open a browser window with the KLANG device’s IP address. From there the buttons allow to Collect Logs and Download (the same as Collect all Logs via KLANG:app but only for this specific device), Current Log show the latest log entries. Screenshot allows to remotely view the last state shown on :konductor or :kontroller.

Minor Fixes and Features

  • KKA-337 Fixes an audio dithering issue with EQs on 2nd generation KLANG processors
  • KKA-128 Multiple mixes on a processor can now have the same name
  • KKA-1084 Drag and Drop of a show file on KLANG:app will start offline editor if not connected and load the session automatically.
  • KKA-1129 Deleting a show file will force a refresh of the show file list immediately
  • KKA-1092 Fixed IP settings on KLANG processors will trigger zeroconf / DHCP client request immediately at boot again
  • KKA-1090 Admin/Show password will be set/reset on all devices of a cascade
  • KKA-1049 Occlusion effect vocal EQ preset added
  • KKA-1066 FPGA based VLAN packet filter on :kontroller to keep control messages away from Ultimo chip (rare latency issues resolved)
  • KKA-914 Dante Controller will no longer show IPcore :kontroller with red 100M speed warning
  • KKA-611 :kontroller rename in app > CONFIG > CONNECT screen

Console Integration

  • KKA-1108 Console session names with spaces will be correctly converted to space-less KLANG show file names
  • KKA-1054 Console integration with Manual Mapping now includes Session load/save if the console runs 1742+
  • KKA-1113 Console detection with Manual Mapping mode will go to Active directly
  • KKA-1022 Console integration with Manual Mapping will force an init on app reconnect
  • KKA-1116 Stand-alone will work immediately after factory reset of KLANG processor without reboot
  • KKA-1015 Channel names can be changed when console integration is switched off but mapping exists
  • KKA-1112 Moving a channel fader or position while the console integration is in time-out will no longer reset the time-out
  • KKA-1035 Mix Master Fader is available again, when using Console Integration with Auto Mapping.
When KLANG bypass is pressed on the console, all mapped mixes will be temporarily muted. The mute will instantly vanish once any of the following conditions is met:
– Bypass is deactivated
– Enable Mapped Channels is pressed on the console or in KLANG:app
– Master fader is moved by user
– Console integration is started or stopped
– KLANG processor is rebooted
– A KLANG show file is loaded

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