
Mixing Desk Compatibility Guide

How to connect my Mixing Console ?

Mixing desks are chosen to the needs of the venue, the act, the engineer or simply space and price. There is a variety of mixing desks available. We will guide you through general connection possibilities to get audio to and from your KLANG:fabrik or KLANG:vier – your personal 3D in-ear mixing system.

Connection by Mixing Desk Manufacturer


iLive | dLive | GLD | QU

Dante options are available for all these consoles. “It can be fitted to the Port B expansion slot in iLive fixed format MixRacks (iDR-16, iDR-32, iDR-48, iDR-64) or expander (xDR-16), Port A/B in iLive modular MixRacks (iDR0, iDR10) and Port A of iLive modular surfaces if they are fitted with the new RAB-2 standard. It can also be fitted to the I/O Module expansion slot in a GLD mixer, and to any I/O Port in a dLive system when equipped with a M-DL-ADAPT interface.” source.

Read more on how to route audio via Dante to KLANG products.

There is an M-MMO card to provides 24 channels via 3 ADAT in/out connectors.

MADI I/O is also available.

AVID / digidesign


The AVIB S3L connects via AVB to its stage boxes. AVB to Dante/ADAT/MADI are a good option.

Bss Sound Web (AVB > BluLink > Dante), Pivitec e64i/o (AVB > MADI) + MADI to Dante converter, Motu 112D (AVB > ADAT/MADI). Find these converters here.


16 channel Dante option card available.

VENUE | Profile

ADAT option card available.


The easiest connection from an AVID VENUE | SC48 is via Analog Outputs (e.g. AO16 analog output module) of the stage box to an external ADC that connects via Dante or ADAT to KLANG:fabrik/KLANG:vier.

There is as well the Dan Dugan automixing expansion card available. Dugan VN-16 that provides 16 output channels via ADAT out.

Behringer | MIDAS

x32 / M32

There are ADAT (x-ADAT), Dante (x-Dante) and Madi (x-MADI) expansion cards available for the Behringer x32 compact, x32 producer, x32 rack, x32 core. All expansion options run with the same sampling rate and clock as the x32/M32 console. The cards offer 32 input and 32 output channels. The outputs for the P16 Behringer Personal Monitoring can be routed to the expansion cards as well as direct outs of the console’s input channels and mix busses.

The Behringer or Midas Stageboxes for the x32/M32 are available in 16 channel (S16/M16) and 32 channel (S32/M32) versions. There are 2 ADAT outs. Hence 16 channels can be connected. In this way the x32/M32 can route audio channels via AES50 to the Stage boxes and from there via ADAT to KLANG:fabrik / KLANG:vier. There is no wordclock on the stageboxes. Hence, sync must be set to ADAT.

Additionally, this console has AES50: Appsys Multiverter or Klark Teknik DN9650 AES50 to Dante converter or Auvitran ToolBox AVBx3 / AVBx7. Find these converters here.

Learn how to connect x32/M32 to KLANG:fabrik and KLANG:vier in this tutorial here. 


SD series – SD11 | SD8-24 | SD8 | SD9 | SD10 | SD5CS | SD10-24 | SD5 | SD7

DiGiCo consoles use MADI for audio transmission between the SD consoles and the stage racks. Use Optocore to connect directly to :konductor with DMI-Opto

Additionally, Dante option cards available and the DiGiCo Orange Box flexible converter. Find more MADI converters here. We also created a tutorial on how to connect the DiGiCo Orange Box to KLANG:products

Connecting KLANG to MADI


For the DiGiCo S21 use the option DMI-Dante card with 64×64 channels, or use MADI directly.


Pro Series

The MIDAS Pro2, Pro6, Pro9, ProX consoles have multiple AES50 ports.

Use the AES50 to Dante converter (Klark Teknik DN9650). Or Appsys Multiverter or Auvitran ToolBox AVBx3 /AVBx7.

Find these AES50 to Dante/ADAT converters here. Read more on how to route audio via Dante to KLANG products.


Studio Live Series

The StudioLive series has a Dante expansion card. Read how to connect StudioLive RM16/RM32 to KLANG.


CDN64 provides 64×64 channel Dante expansion to the Q-SYS.


M-5000 | M-5000C

The Roland M-5000 series with OHRCA has MADI (X-MADI, Coax and Optical) and Dante (X-DANTE) expansion cards. Both options provide 64×64 channels @48kHz.

V-Mixer Consoles

The Roland V-Mixers have a proprietary protocol REAC. The Roland S-MADI converts Reac to MADI.


Vi Series

For the Vi Series (Vi1, Vi2, Vi4, Vi6, V2000, Vi3000, Vi5000, Vi7000) Dante and ADAT options are available. Read more on the manufacturer’s website.

Local Rack/CSB – ViO-DANTE / Vi Stagebox – ViSB-DANTE with 64×64 channels Dante and Wordclock output. Compatible to Vi6 Local Rack / Compact Stagebox / Vi1 / Vi3000.

ViO-ADAT expansion with 16×16 channels ADAT at 48kHz. Compatible to Vi6 Local Rack / Compact Stagebox / Vi1 / Vi3000.

Si Series

For the Si Series (Si compact, Si expression, Si performer, Si1, Si1+, Si2, Si2+, Si3, Si3+) there are ADAT (MULTIDIGITAL 8×8 channels) and Dante (64×64 channels) options available. Read more on here.


L300 & L500

Dante option is available with 32×32 channels. Read more on how to route audio via Dante to KLANG products.



The Mackie DL32R is a 32 channel rackmount (3RU) mixer. Dante expansion cards are available. Read more on how to route audio via Dante to KLANG products.


QL & CL series

The consoles have native Dante support and even allow Dante routing from withing the console. Read more on how to route audio via Dante to KLANG products.

Read more on how to connect Yamaha CL/QL to KLANG products.

KLANG & Yamaha CL – Scenario 1
KLANG & Yamaha CL – Scenario 2
KLANG & Yamaha CL – Scenario 3


For the TF series use the optional 64-channel Dante card NY64-D.


For the PM10 use the optional 144-channel Dante card HY144-D.

LS9, M7CL, PM5D, 02R96, DM1000, DM2000

Use either the optional 16-channel Dante card DANTE-MY16-AUD, or the optional 16-channel ADAT card MY16-AT.  The larger mixers support the simultaneous use of 2,3,4 or 6 cards.

01V96 & 01V96i

Use the native 8-channel ADAT connection, together with an optional 16-channel ADAT card MY16-AT, or use the optional Dante card DANTE-MY16-AUD. Read more on the MY (Mini-YGDAI) (MY-16: 16×16 channels, MY-8 8×8 channels) cards.

Connection by Digital Audio Interface


Connecting KLANG to MADI

Other Protocols

Connectivity to Other Protocols to KLANG

Connect via Analog

The analog outs from any mixing board (analog or digital) can be connected to external Analog to Digital Converter (DACs). Even Direct Outs from Bass or Guitar amp or microphones can be connected directly in this way. The DACs can be connected via ADAT or Dante to KLANG:fabrik/KLANG:vier. Here are some options:Behringer S16/S32 or Midas M16/M32

These Behringer or Midas Stageboxes for the x32/M32 are available in 16 channel and 32 channel versions. The 16 channel version provides one ADAT out and the 32 channel version 2 ADAT outs. These can directly be connected to KLANG:fabrik / KLANG:vier as direct ADCs. No wordclock is available so KLANG:fabrik / KLANG:vier have to be synced to the ADAT inputs. When using multiple stage boxes make sure they are in clock sync.

Cymatic uTrack24

The Cymatic uTrack24 is a rack format 24 channel audio and MIDI recorder & player (1RU). It has 24 analog intputs and outputs on the back of the unit grouped in 3 D-SUB connectors. There is an ADAT and a MADI expansion card available. The AudioLAN expansion card provides access to an AES67/Ravenna network, but it is not (yet) compatible with Dante/AES67.

Ferrofish A16 MKII, A16 ADAT, A32

The Ferrofish has two 16 channel AD/DA converters A16 MKII (1RU) with ADAT, MADI, Wordclock and A16 ADAT with ADAT, Wordclock and a 32 channel version (1RU) with A32

RME Micstasy / Octamic

8 channel analog to digital converter with mic preamps. ADAT outputs and Wordclock.

Connecting from Other Personal Monitoring Systems

E.g. Aviom / A-Net or MyMix / based on AVB – Read more on how to connect here.

Connectivity to Other Protocols to KLANG

This list is not not complete and only shows a subset of devices available for the pro audio market. KLANG does not work with or for these manufacturers/brands. Trademarks and Copyrights are owned by these manufacturers. This article is just meant as an informative list to help customers to understand state of the art conversion possibilites. If you feel, that another connection possibility should be added to this list, please send us details on

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