What’s New in KLANG:APP and KOS 5.2
With the release of KLANG:kontroller and KLANG:vokal, version 5 of KLANG:app and KOS (KLANG Operating System) the Firmware for KLANG immersive mixing processors has been released. It is available as a free update for all KLANG immersive processors and allows interoperability of all KLANG products and apps. Most changes are under the hood and assure faster responsive system configuration and prepare the system for future features.

Feature Updates in KLANG:app and KOS 5.2
With KOS 5.2 several new feature updates are provided to all existing KLANG processors. With the increased channel count of the new processors, new workflow improvements help to avoid repetitions of the same mixing parameter changes and speed up the mix workflow in general.
Improved Routing Screen
The routing matrix (CONFIG u0026gt; ROUTING) is a centerpiece for the setup phase.
Navigate through the routing matrix levels with a simple click without holding the option/alt key and without activating the 2nd/alt button. The lowest routing matrix (right most matrix) will route without the need to press any button as it was before.
In the top level (left most routing matrix) hold down the alt/option key or activate the 2nd/alt button in KLANG:app and then click on a routing point to route ALL available channels linearly (ch 1,2,3… to ch 1,2,3…)
The new KLANG processors (:vokal, :konductor) but also KLANG:kontroller offer single channel routing, whereas KLANG:fabrik/vier offer routings in blocks of 8 consecutive channels.
Expert Network Settings
For :kontroller, :vokal and :konductor KLANG:app offers a new Expert Network Settings menu (Config > Info > Set > Expert Network Settings) to configure VLANs. Click here to find out more…
Quick Orbit Positions
Every time you need to setup a show from scratch, there are many repetitive tasks that are time consuming. Quick Positions help you to speed this up massively by suggesting 3D and stereo positions for different instrument types.
In CONFIG > CHANNELS click on a channel name to open the Channel Details view.
In the same way as the Quick Labels and Smart Labels, the Quick Positions follow the instrument icon. For example click on a guitar / amp icon and Quick Positions show you the most common and most practical positions. 3D positions show the azimuth with a bubble on the orbit and the elevation with a smaller bubble on a vertical line within the orbit. Stereo positions are marked with colored rectangles on a horizontal line. Stereo linked channels have two bubbles/rectangles.
Also see “Where to Place Different Instruments” to find out more about different zones of attention in the mix.
Color Coding
Red: Strong Focus / own instrument
Yellow: High priority
Purple: Normal priority
Blue: Background
Orbit Tools
In STAGE view expand and collapse the Orbit tools with the +/- Orbit Icon in the lower right corner. The i3D Lock has been there before, so let’s take a look at the new features.

Flip left / right position
There are these situations where you decide, that the mix should be exactly the other way around, instruments on the left side should go to the right and vice versa. This icon does exactly that. It takes all instruments (no matter if they are placed stereo, 3D or i3D) and throws them at the opposite side. To revert this, simply press again.
Rotate All/Group
Sometimes you want to adjust the position of all instruments of a group at the same time, or create some flow and rotate all instruments at once.
Select the Rotate All/Group icon and it will turn purple. Depending whether you have selected a particular group focus or the Solo-Link (ROT. GRP) or no focus is selected (ROT. GRP), all instruments that are shown in color on the 3D orbit will be rotated simultaneously. Just drag one icon and the others follow. Instruments inside the head (stereo panning), will not follow.
Once done, press the Rotate All/Group icon again to leave the mode.
Mix Monitors from FoH Position
For musicians and most monitor engineers the STAGE view works just great as it is. But what if you mix monitors from FoH and you want to place instruments where you see them for a monitor mix? No problem, activate Mix Monitors from FoH Position button
DiGiCo Console Integration | Setup Phase
Once the Console Link is in setup mode (CONFIG > ext ctrl > Mixing Console Link > Mode > Setup) channels on the console need to be mapped to control channels on the KLANG processor and auxes of the console to mixes on the KLANG processor. Two workflow improvements are introduced.
Ripple Down ALL
In previous app versions, there was only one Ripple Down command and it skipped channels that were currently not activated in KLANG:app. The same functionality is still available and now called “Ripple Down ON”. It is only available if the channel that is currently selected is activated. The new command “Ripple Down ALL” will map all following channels regardless if they are currently switched on or off.
Ripple Auxes
Mapping Auxes (CONFIG > CONNECT > REMOTE AUX) can be a repetitive task. Hence, we are introducing a command “Ripple Auxes”. It will use the currently assigned mapping for the particular mix and ripple the aux mapping for the following mixes with increasing aux numbers accordingly.
Overwriting of Existing Presets
Improved behavior when preset names already exist. The Save Button changes to Update when a preset with the same name already exists on the device. When a preset is transferred to a device the filename will get an additional number as a suffix if the filename already exists on the device. e.g. myPreset1
Improved Skin Support and Improved Contrast
KLANG:app offered a dark skin for applications where displays should only use colors and emit not too much light. We have improved the Skin support so it can alter more elements of the GUI.
Especially, there is a HighContrast skin, that makes it easier to detect e.g. mutes or solos.
For better visibility of warning clock states, the clock colors for all skins have been unified. Green indicates a valid clock (was purple before), orange/yellow for clock mismatch/warning and red for lost clocks/signals.
Multicast and Broadcast Network Statistics
High multicast and broadcast network traffic can degrade the network performance. Sometimes it is not easy to quickly see what might cause these issues and which device forwards the traffic. DMI-KLANG, :kontroller, :vokal, and :konductor offer broadcast and multicast network statistics. Go to CONFIG > INFO on the processor and you will find Network Stats including the port name, whether it is multicast or broadcast traffic, and whether it is arriving or leaving through this port.
Direct Connect to Processor IP Address
For some applications it is required that KLANG:app try to connect to the IP address of a KLANG processor directly and not rely on the broadcast connect request. When KLANG:app is started it will automatically send a connect request to the last known IP address of the KLANG processor it was connected to before the app was closed.
Additionally, specify this KLANG processor IP address in CONFIG > Connect > IP Connect.
Dimming all :kontroller simultaneously
In a theater, you might want to dim all displays and button LEDs of all :kontroller devices with one command. Login to one kontroller and go to CONFIG > INFO > Set > BROADCAST Dim. This will send a broadcast message to the network and all KLANG:kontroller on the network will receive it and dim accordingly.
Reboot | Restart
When you need to reboot a device e.g. for a KOS update, but are not able to power it down, e.g. due to its mounting position, just go to CONFIG > INFO > Set > Reboot and will perform a full reboot.
Show File Storage Location
A more obvious label is introduced where KLANG show files are stored.